On any given Sunday morning, when we look around our churches, we don’t often see youth and/or adults with special needs participating. Sensing that they do not “belong”, families of individuals with special needs either stay away from church or adapt by attending church services in shifts, causing them to remain on the “outside” and lessening their own experience of church life.
“Love one another. As Ihave loved you, so you must also love one another. By this will all men know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. “John 13:34
At the Manassas Church of Christ, we strive to provide a safe and positive environment for youth and adults with special needs to learn about God’s will and his love. Specialized curriculum, instruction, and accommodations are utilized to meet the needs of each individual. The lessons and activities are differentiated based on age and developmental need. The special needs ministry allows parents and caregivers to attend Bible classes and worship service, while their loved one is engaged and learning in a class designed for individuals with special needs.
Special needs youth and adults are...
People created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26)
People whose days have been ordained by God (Psalms 139:16)
People created with unique gifts, abifities and challenges (Psalms 139:13-15)