The First Principles Class meets every Sunday at 9:00 AM in Room 12 First door down the hall from the Fellowship Room.  The class is taught by our Brother Owen Mullenax, a former Elder.  His teaching will help you to prepare for more advanced study, to know how to approach and teach an intrested person who would like to begin learning the bible.  The class is for all age groups, and is perfect for a refresher, but most importantly FOR THOSE WHO WOULD LIKE TO BEGIN STUDYING THE BIBLE!

class-meeting-or-Bible-study First Principles is a basic Bible Study series designed to help you guide a seeker along their journey to come to a knowledge of the truth and thereby be saved. (1 Timothy 2:4) It is created to provide a basis for disciples to use to fulfill the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:18-20)

While every true seeker arrives at the same destination, all begin from unique starting points. Along the way, different Scriptures may prove more applicable and effective.

We will be teaching the core principles of Christ and His Apostles, the series systematically leads participants toward becoming firmly established in their faith and on to a deeper commitment to follow Christ for a lifetime.

As you study the Bible with someone: - Get to know them and build a loving friendship. - Buy a Bible and journal for your friend. - Take notes during your Bible studies so that s/he can review the Scriptures you look at together. - Ask questions about each passage. Don’t simply state your points. People learn best through personal discovery. - Share personally from your own life and spiritual journey. - Have faith in the power of God’s Word to change people’s hearts with the truth of the gospel. - Pray, pray, pray!

Take your Bible and the Holy Spirit and confidently share the gospel with those around you. You are fully equipped for this good work! (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

NewManassas Side

8110 Signal Hill Road | Manassas, Virginia

                                                                       © 2013 Manassas Church of Christ