Last Spring, we sent out a survey to the congregation asking for feedback on our Wednesday night service start time - today services begin at 7:30pm. The feedback was clear that most preferred to meet earlier in the evening. This feedback predominantly came from parents with young children and those that preferred not to drive at night. It is also important to note that because of work or commute schedules, some family members that are attending Wednesday night services today, may be unable to attend if services start before the current 7:30pm time. When considering change like this, we know some will be impacted and may not be able to attend at an earlier time, obviously not something we want to occur. As a family, we always work through things like this as God would expect us to. We ask that if you are ever unable to join services in person, that you join virtually via our live stream.
Effective Wednesday, March 8th, the beginning of our Spring 2023 quarter, we will move our service start time to 7pm. We will pilot this earlier start time for the Spring quarter and send out another survey towards the end of the quarter asking for your feedback. Based on those survey results, we will once again consider the options that will best meet the needs of our family.
Please reach out to any one of the elders if you have questions or would like to discuss further.