1. Now we are ready for the last lesson. When we have added one more picture, you should be able to explain the story of the Bible to someone. Do that as soon as you can.
  2. Read Galatians 3:27 aloud to yourself and answer these questions.
    1. When these Christians were baptized, where were they placed?
    2. When these Christians had been baptized, what clothing had they put on?
    3. Is one "in Christ" before being baptized?
    4. Is one "wearing Christ" before being baptized into Him?
  1. What does the following drawing mean? (Part 10)

  2. Now answer these questions:
    1. Are all baptized believers "in Christ?"
    2. Are any said to be "in Christ" who are not baptized believers?
  1. Read Acts 2:47.
    1. Who adds one to the body of believers?
    2. When is one added to this group?
  1. Read Romans 6:23.
    1. The wage or payment one receives for sins is ________.
    2. Those "in Christ," however, receive ________________ ________ as a gift from God.
  1. All believers who are baptized are put "in Christ." This means that all who are saved by Jesus’ sacrifice are in one body, one church, the family of God. Read Ephesians 1:20,21 and 4:4, 5.
    They are to enjoy each other’s fellowship. Being "in Christ" they have the hope of eternal life. They are to live new lives--not like the life of sin they lived before. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that those "in Christ" are "new creatures." Those "in Christ" should, then, live like Christ lived.
  2. Read Romans 6:2-4 and answer the following questions:
    1. What do we die to and bury?
    2. Whom do we become a part of when we are baptized?
    3. When are we buried with Christ?
    4. What does this suggest about the manner of baptism?
    5. When do we share his death and choose to benefit from his sacrifice on the cross?
    6. To what are we raised after baptism?
  1. Draw below all ten steps in the Bible story. Put with each a brief sentence and a scripture. If you need help in remembering some details, you can look at the next page which shows all the drawings. But do as much as you can without looking. As soon as you can, draw these and explain them to someone else. That will help you and them too.

    This is how I can use these lessons to look at my own relationship with God.

The most important question of our study is this: Where are you in this story?
Write a "yes" or "no" to answer these questions and write a note at the bottom indicating what you would have decided to do to get right with God.

  1. Have you sinned?
  2. Have you been separated from God by sin?
  3. Have you chosen to be saved by Jesus?
  4. Have you believed in Him?
  5. Have you repented (turned your mind from wanting to sin to wanting to obey God)?
  6. Are you willing to confess Jesus as the Son of God and your Lord before others?
  7. Have you been baptized in water for the forgiveness of your sins?
  8. As a believing, repenting person are you ready to confess Jesus to others and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins, so that God can send the Holy Spirit to live in you?






If you are ready to visit with someone to discuss these lessons or if you are now ready to be baptized into Christ, you should contact those who have been helping you with this correspondence course. It is very important for you to make this contact as soon as possible.
Used by permission from Stafford and Jo Anne North

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