Redic2I was born in San Antonio, TX in 1965 to James E, Redic, SR. and Evelyn F. redic.  My family tree is rooted in the Church of Christ for as long as I can remember. 
I was baptized into Christ in 1974 in Austin, Tx. 
I met my wife, Ameena, in high school in 1983.  Ameena was baptized in 1984 and I married by best friend in 1990 at the east Capital St. Church of Christ in Washington, DC. 
We moved to Manassas and placed membership at the Manassas Church of Christ in 1996. 
We are blessed with 4 children, Amber, Jonathan, Amani, and Alia.  we are currently members at the Manassas Church of Christ.  I served as a Fellowship Deacon from 2002 to 2007 and Benevolence from 2007 to 2013.
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