
     Whether you've just begun your walk as a new Christian or have joined our family here in Manassas along your Christian journey, our prayer is that our walk together will help each of us draw closer to God.  We are thankful that God is at work in your life and has helped to bring you to be part of out fellowship.

     There are a couple of sayings I like that have been helpful to me, as I have transitioned to new congregations and life settings, and I hope they are useful to you as well.

     The first is, "Bloom where you are planted."  There are two parts to this saying.  First, we are to bloom.  God wants us to grow and mature (Hebrews 6:1).  I hope you'll thirst after God's Word, and encourage us to do the same.  As a result we'll become what God would have us to be.  The second part is that we don't always have a say in where we are planted -- our jobs, where we can afford to live, etc.  And often, our hearts may really feel more at home elsewhere, but as Christians, we are sojourners as the song says, "Anywhere is home if Christ my Lord is there," and where God plants us for the time being, we are to bloom.  Sink roots here, however temporary your stay may be, and bloom.

     Another old saying, "Enter to Worship, Leave to Serve" reminds us of Titus 2:7, 3:8 and 3:14.  The Holy Spirit tells us that as Christians we are to learn (it doesn't come natural) to "engage in good deeds" or to serve others.  It's vital to my Christian walk -- and your Christian walk -- that we learn to follow Christ's example and put others first.  That''s a tall order in the fast paced, time crunched area of Northern Virginia.  As we come together to worship, we gain strength and courage, and leave the building to serve those outside it.

Please feel free to ask any of the elders, deacons and staff if you have any questions..